FOUNDER — Fabrication — Art DIRECTION — Styling — Graphic Design — Interior Design


Bonnie Rae Mills, Photographer

Salvage Garden originated as a backyard passion project that blossomed into a thriving small business. Using recycled or upcycled materials, I crafted cement planters from plastic containers molds, repurposed old window shutters into planter boxes, and fashioned air plant hangers from reclaimed piping.

Initially showcased at street fairs and a quaint brick-and-mortar store, the products were selected as featured display fixtures in Banana Republic stores nationwide.

Design Approach


I carefully combined materials such as concrete, water, and perlite, integrating repurposed and upcycled elements as molds that would otherwise be discarded. Through experimentation with different shapes, I established standardized sizes and broadened the paint color palette to provide diverse options. Additionally, I expanded the brand by opening a storefront, creatively designed with predominantly reclaimed items, seen above. I also art directed a photoshoot for the product line to enhance sales, bring in numerous commissions, and expand its reach.


Established a business from the ground up, cultivating my entrepreneurial spirit and demonstrating artistic prowess. While the store ultimately closed its doors, the lessons learned and skills acquired are enduring.

Entrepreneurship — Crafting & Fabrication — Innovation — Marketing — Budgeting — Scaling — Management — Brand & Identity — Prototyping — Problem Solving — Time Management — Artistic Expression — Business Development — Product Design




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